Home Nikon Savage 220 20 Gauge Slug Gun Accuracy Comparison

Savage 220 20 Gauge Slug Gun Accuracy Comparison


From . Federal Trophy Copper 3 inch and Hornady Superformance 2-3/4 inch Monoflex loads are compared . . . in one individual Savage 220 twenty gauge slug gun.

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  1. Im not sure if its lot#s of ammo being different, but Ive shot some ammo types and done bad and tried again a few years later and same brand/style shoots pretty good. So not sure if differences in specs/powder changes in manufacturing, or barrel is breaking in, allowing for more ammo types to work. Who knows. Just wish there were better reloading options for Sabot style slugs. Most reloads dont prove to be all that accurate. FortuneCookie45LC has been trying some sort of foreign slug he molds that is doing better. I think it was a Russian slug.

  2. Dropped a doe with my savage 220 at 198 yards shooting sst slugs. She tumbled 2 feet and that's as far as she made it. Got the heart and a little of the lungs. But dropped right in her tracks. Those guns are amazing love mine!

  3. Love my 220. I have to say though, I really wish Federal didn't drop the Barnes Expander and replace it with the Copper Core. Consistent sub 4" groups at 200 yards out of my 220 with the Fed / Barnes 2 3/4. I have tried almost everything and have not been able to find a substitute that shoots as tight or as consistent. Love my 220! Just wish I could find a replacement round that shot as well.

  4. Dang man I hate to say it but my h&r ultra is a actually a tad more accurate than that with Winchester bri's. I'm done shooting it tho cuz it kicked waaaay too much. 12 gauge in the light weight version… no thanks.

  5. I want one of these but I can't seem to find one in Spain, how's the process for an European to get weapons from the US? (US laws, I know what I have to do on this side but not what has to be done there)

  6. I only wish it held more in the mag. A 5 or 6 round mag would make this a great gun. I already have a over under that works well with slugs . But I am a bolt guy at heart . My collection is mostly bolt gun a few .22 semiauto loaders and a .30/.30 Winchester model 94 and a lever Sears model 100 both .30/.30. This would make a great addition to my bolt gun collection.  Right next my Savage Mossberg and Remington's to name a few. Thanks for the video as I know of none of my gun friends that have one to help me decide. .

  7. I know its a shotgun, but I cant call it a shotgun. Yes, it's chambered in 20 gauge. But it has a permanent rifled barrel, its based off the Model 110 Rifle action, has arrangements for typical rifled scope mount. It has an Accu-Trigger, its designed to be used as a rifle. and (actually less important but aesthetically really important to the firearm arguement) it is a bolt action.

    So what would I call it? If it was on the floor next to my friend and I asked him to pick it up, would I ask for a shotgun or a rifle? Im stumped.

  8. You might also want to check out Lightfield EXP slugs. I get very good accuracy with them at 100 yards and the terminal performance on deer is excellent. They are a lower velocityload (1400-1500 fps) as opposed to the other major manufacturer's loads.

  9. I have the Savage 220 and shoot Remington 2-3/4 Accutips. Most of my potential deer shots are in the 25-50 yd range, but some blinds extend out to 100 yds. If I site in to be a few inches high at 50 yds will I be close to zero at 100 yds? 

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