Home EOTech Eotech 511.A65 Review

Eotech 511.A65 Review


This is a simple showcase of my favorite optics system currently in development. The EOTech from L3 communications is one of the most affordable, most durable and most innovative optics system currently in the market.

Giving the user unprecedented field of view as well as quick target acquisition at close and long range, make the EOTech an amazing optics design. Its easy to use, sight and maintain.

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  1. I have this sight, my batteries died so I replaced them with Duracell n's, but now my red dot is a single red dot without the circle, any idea why this happened, should I have used Enegizer e90's instead?

  2. @FadeToBlack1911
    Its kind of hard to explain but once the optics has been zero anytime you see the reticle on the sight glass its actually holding zero. To better explain it. if you shoot the lens on the sight and only have a bit of glass on the edge where the reticle can be seen its actually on target and point of aim to the zero you gave it.

    You can move your head around the optic and even tho the reticle looks like its moving anytime its visible to you its going to be zero to your rifle.

  3. @ercjuar25
    When you have unlimited guns you can do anything. My brother is in the Marines and they don't really use the eotech that much anymore. Most weapons use ACOG's now. Which actually is way more expensive than the Eotechs are.

  4. @peptopro17
    Some of the older ones like the 512 can be had for 250 or less if your patient. And I can tell you right now. They are worth every penny. They make shooting much easier and fun.

    If you put 20 bucks aside every paycheck you'll probably get one before the zombie apocalypse.

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