Home Battenfeld Caldwell AR-15 Mag Charger Review

Caldwell AR-15 Mag Charger Review


Caldwell AR-15 Mag Charger

Quality ****
Reliability ****
Price/Value ***
Referability ***
Average Score- 3.5 stars out of 5

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If you like to burn a lot of ammo through your favorite AR, you know what a pain loading magazines all day is. To help you quickly load your AR magazines, Caldwell has introduced the AR-15 Mag Charger.

This product will hold 50 rounds of .223/5.56 or .204 to allow you to rapidly load magazines.

To load the Mag Charger, it will accept 50 loaded rounds directly from any common 50 round ammo manufacturer box or from aftermarket 50 round plastic storage boxes. Simply align bullet tips and dump a box of ammo into the Mag Charger. Once filled with ammo, insert any AR magazine into the Mag Charger.

Once your favorite magazine is in place, simply work the plunger pack and forth. Each stroke will load 5 rounds at a time and the spring loaded carrier brings the next five rounds forward and in perfect positioning. To do some simple math for you, a 30 round magazine will take 6 pumps of the plunger to fill it up.

To help you load bulk ammo or ammo from a traditional box, an Ammo Transfer Tray is included for dumping into Mag Charger.

The product does take a little getting used to get your timing down. I have used several different magazines with the Mag Charger and they have all worked great from plastic magazines to metal ones.

If you are someone that burns through a lot of ammo, I would recommend getting this. The Mag Charger really safes your fingers when it come to loading magazines.

The product itself is well made with durable plastic and is small enough to fit into most range bags if you don’t load your magazines before going out to shoot.

Quality: It’s a well made product that seems very sturdy

Reliability: I haven’t run a large amounts of magazines through it, but so far so good.

Price/Value: The price does seem a little high at $89.99 so it’s probably something the casual shooter won’t invest in

Referability: If you like to shoot a lot of AR magazines, this is the product for you. www.btibrands.com

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