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The Caveman EOtech – What it actually is, and how to use it.


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  1. Great instruction!! After seeing your AR video on close-in shooting with irons, I also remembered how Rob Ski at AKOU also mentioned how the ears of the front sight pretty much brackets a torso at close range, so I recently practiced your technique with my WASR. MY only problem was older eyes in low indoor light making it hard to clearly see the front sight assembly, so there was a good bit of guesswork. Practice, though, will help minimize that.

  2. This method of aiming has been used as long as hooded sights have been made (100 years+). it worked in many wars and still works now, but it requires a little training and you can compete your iron sights against any shooter with any electronic sight at any price range! trust me ;).

  3. AFAIK, Russian doctrine does make use of this but with a chin weld to keep your sight picture virtually clear, but they teach to use the "belt buckle" as a point of aim to get torso hits from different distances, same as with using the battle zero.

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