Home StreamLight Streamlight ProTac HL 600 lumen test footage

Streamlight ProTac HL 600 lumen test footage


Here is a quick test footage video of what the Streamlight HL can do at various distances.

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  1. bought mine in 2012 still used everyday running on ebay china 2000 mAh Li-Ion rechargables 20$ & original bulb.
    Fine build quality, wish other things I bought were built like this 600HL

  2. the only place near me that sold the light is cabelas. which I bought my first one there. sorry but my batteries came from midway. as long as its usa. but I tried talking to the local shops about it and they told me I was dumb thinking this light for the money was real. the drugs I apparently where smoking where way to strong.

  3. I know this is late but I dropped my pro tac hl in a tank 4ft full of water while on high and it didn't miss a beat. lit up the tank. my only complaint was the pouch it came with. only lasted a week at my work. shredded. for the money, pure awesomeness. love that light. I am not sure what sreamlight clames for waterproof depths though.

  4. Awesome. Light is better than I thought. Lol. I did buy mine online. I would gladly support a local shop. Unfortunately all the local spots are run by total assholes. They talk down to you and treat you like shit. Only one good place I use for FFL etc. other than that is normal south Florida jackasses. No Aloha

  5. I dont know for sure? You should check their website to make sure 100% or contact them directly. I would assume it is to a certain depth but thats just an assumption.

  6. Why does your bad guy have clearly African-American features? Are all you gun-toting NRA-types racist? You must be. If you own a gun, you're a racist.

    Signed, a Liberal.

  7. Yeah, please keep us updated. I'll probably go ahead and get the 600 anyway, but an 800 would be great for the future. I have a 1500 lumens light for night mountain biking and it's amazing, but that's into the realm of serious overkill for this sort of thing, I'm sure!

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