Home StreamLight Streamlight ProTac HL5-X review

Streamlight ProTac HL5-X review


Quick review of the ProTac HL5-X flashlight. This light is amazing at 3,500 lumens on the high setting. While filming a curious owl showed up and made a few passes over head. Filmed this with my iPhone X and it lost focus :(. Enjoy the video, Like, Comment, Subscribe! Thanks for watching!

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  1. I have 3. It's A BEAST!!! I bought 10 extra Panasonic 3400 mAh for backups. DO NOT buy Ultrafire batteries off of ebay. Matter of fact it is wise to buy a good charger with volts/ amperage to show if you are getting the real deal. 3600 mAh is the largest cell made so if you see anything higher, they are re-wrapped old laptop batteries from China. Just beware people…

  2. Nice video, really liked how u demonstrated the light away from the camera u can really see the difference, as when you have the camera recording and the light next to it.. just ordered the light also 💪

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