Home Gun News & First Ammendment Issues ILA | New Jersey: Committee Takes Redundant, Unnecessary Bill and Makes It...

ILA | New Jersey: Committee Takes Redundant, Unnecessary Bill and Makes It Worse


On Monday, September 17, the Assembly Judiciary Committee gave approval to A.3129 and made amendments to the bill.  As is typical in Trenton, things only got worse.  The original bill was largely unnecessary as it banned manufacturing unserialized firearms, something that was already against the law without a New Jersey Manufacturer’s license.

However, anti-gun lawmakers came up with a short list of other bizarre amendments that included “covert” guns and “undetectable” non-metal guns.  The amendments were added last-minute, with no advance copies available for public review.  The amendments also focused on 3D printed guns.  Federal law passed in 1988 makes it unlawful to manufacture, import, sell, ship, deliver, possess, transfer, or receive an undetectable firearm.

Anti-gun politicians in Trenton have once again punted on actually addressing crime and public safety.  This legislation is another example of blaming inanimate objects rather than cracking down on actual criminals who misuse firearms.  The bottom line is that criminals don’t operate this way, and this is nothing more than a manufactured crisis. 

The Senate passed an unamended version of this bill early this year, but the differences between the bills can quickly be reconciled with floor amendments during a voting session.

This bill could come up for a final vote as early as next week as there are full voting sessions in both chambers scheduled for next Thursday, September 27.  Please contact members of the Assembly and Senate and ask them to oppose A.3129/ S.2465.

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