Home EOTech Eotech 512 Review

Eotech 512 Review


Reviewing the Eotech 512 on my spike AR 15 chambered in 300 Blackout BLK.

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  1. Excellent model of EOTech. I initially bought the shorter version (not XPS) that takes the CR2 batteries. Works well still but gotta find tose 'exotic' batteries from where I live. Recently got this 512 and I sure love the AA battery option and built-in mount. Excellent review….keep em coming.

  2. great video! I believe anybody that has an optics ready AR should consider the EOTECH if they have no other plans for it. questions… first, where'd you find all that white stuff in October? second, were those offhand groups? thanks.

  3. I like the eotechs but man they are up there in price, and heavy. Very Durable though. I have the 3x eotech magnifier as well, but wish I would have went with a 1-4 x illuminated scope honestly–older eyes here as well

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