Home CMMG CMMG Mutant Mk47 AKS13 Review and reliability testing

CMMG Mutant Mk47 AKS13 Review and reliability testing


A second look at the new Mk47 AKS13 from CMMG and answer some of your questions. There are some new upgrades to the Mutant rifle that aren’t just purely cosmetic. We also test various milsurp magazines from E. Germans, Bulgarian, Romanian and Chinese.
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  1. Have you looked at replacing the latch on the charging handle with a larger latch? It seems like that could be a very usable upgrade especially if running an optic on the gun. If so what models will work on the Mutant charging handle or which do you prefer?

  2. I love my CMMG MK47! It's awesome! Accurate so far to 300yds. That's with cheap ammo too. TulAmmo, Brown Bear, Red Army, Silver Bear HP's. Tapco mags. Primary Arms 4-14×44 scope. 1.8oz 3 chamber muzzle break, CTR stock, ergo pistol grip, eBay hand stop grip, UTG bipod, MBUIS, extended charging handle release, M3S sling.
    Way more accurate that the AK47 I owned. WASR 10.

  3. I've had issues with mags slowing the bolt down and causing jams. I found I had to hand file the feed lips to keep the bolt from rubbing on the mags. and I mean every mag, from Chinese to magpul to pro mags.

  4. Well done and good review! I've been watching your channel for a while now and you are getting pretty good at this brother! Question – being an AK guy I like to know my mags and you said the Chinese one was 'obvious' – can you tell me what makes a Chinese mag obviously a Chinese mag? I tend to buy European comm block stuff…

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