Home Nikon Nikon P-223 3-9×40 Scope Review

Nikon P-223 3-9×40 Scope Review


Here’s my review on the very affordable high quality Nikon P-223 3-9×40 Scope. This scope is specifically designed for AR15 type rifles chambered in Remington .223/5.56

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  1. We have two AR's in 5.56 and two Mossberg Predator''s (bolt action) in 5.56 I use them when training first time hunter's and new shooters. At the end of the course, students are hitting the wire that holds the swinging bowling pins @ 100 yards. These are really fine scopes.

  2. Much Respect to you, "Not pointing your weapon at anything that you don't intend to destroy",  Thank you for setting the example for gun safety.  Also I will be getting this scope in 2 days, thank you for making this informative video.  Stay Safe.

  3. I put this exact scope on my CMMG AR and was extremely happy and surprised to find out, when after installing a free floating rail on my gun, that my AR shoots with this scope sub moa, and that's with the stock trigger too mind you. I mentioned all that on Mrgunsngear's FB page and wholly shit did I get accused as being a liar. I was told "with what brand AR you said you have and with THAT scope and a stock trigger, no way, I don't believe your gun shoots sub moa!!. Then the guy lists his 6 expensive AR's he has with 300$ triggers and expensive scopes and on and on and said "of all 6, only 2 of my AR's shoot sub moa so I really don't believe you, especially with "that" scope on there. Well, I told him "if I'm lying about this, shall I drop dead right now". Then I told him how much better I feel about my gun knowing that with a budget scope (which is a great scope BTW) and no fancy trigger, none of that stuff, I feel great that my gun can out shoot 4 of your WAY more expensive guns with all the bells and whistles they have on them. Anyways, this is a great scope. In fact this was the first scope that I've ever mounted. I spent about a year researching scopes before I settled on this one and I'm glad I did. Also in that year I spent probably close to 100 hours learning how to mount a scope on an AR platform by watching YT videos and reading as much as I could. So I'm very proud with the final result. It's been about 3 years now since I bought that scope and mounted it and it's still working just fine, not a single problem. I do wish though that I woulda bought a quick release mount for it. That's one thing I really didn't know much about so I just bought the Nikon "M" mount and slapped it on, and of course got great results from it. I highly recommend this scope to anyone that isn't going to use it in war, if you're not than you don't need to spend the money on a freaking nightforce or some other high dollar scope !!

  4. My P-223 3×9 scope is mounted on the Burris PEPR ( proper eye position ready) quick detach mount.  On and off in seconds and perfect zero everytime.  Just an asside thanks for the video it helped me to make up my mind to buy this one.

  5. I have been using SpotOn from the Nikon web site for the last 9 months from a Mac 10.6.8 and Windows 7 computer.  The program appears to have numerous bugs and I have been unable to match my actual ballistics with its predicted points of impact.  A good example of one of the bugs is when you are in the "Graph Trajectory Screen" if you enter a new bullet weight for "Load B" or "Load C" it has no effect when you push the "Show Graph" button.  Push the button at the bottom of the page to send them a comment.  After you type your comment on their form and push send button you will get an error message that your mail system is setup wrong.  Too bad Nikon can not get this to work, their optics are outstanding but you will not be able to use their ballistic marks unless you go to a range and record their spread at every 100yds.  

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