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Washington: Anti-Self-Defense Legislation Expecting a Vote in the House at Any...

Today, anti-gun legislation, Senate Bill 5038, was placed on the House Calendar for Second Reading.   Source link

Washington: Executive Session Scheduled to limit self-defense options on Friday

On Friday, March 19, the House Civil Rights and Judiciary Committee has scheduled an executive session for a Committee vote on anti-gun legislation,...

Washington: Committee Hearing on Legislation to Ban Open Carry at Public...

Senate Bill 5038 has been scheduled for a public hearing in the House Committee on Civil Rights & Judiciary, at 10:00 AM on March 16th. This anti-gun...

Washington: Committee Hearing on Legislation to Ban Open Carry at Public...

Senate Bill 5038 has been scheduled for a public hearing in the House Committee on Civil Rights & Judiciary, at 10:00 AM on March 16th. This anti-gun...

Washington: Pair of Anti-Gun Bills Fail to Pass Before Legislative Deadline

Yesterday, two anti-gun measures were not brought up on the floor before the official deadline to pass. Source link

Washington: Your Action Needed – Senate Approves Carry Ban – Contact...

Last night, the Washington Senate suspended the rules and approved an amended version of Carry Ban Legislation, Senate Bill 5038.  Source link

Washington: Carry Ban Sent to the Senate Floor for Rapid Consideration

Yesterday, Senate Bill 5038 was pulled from the Senate Rules Committee and sent to the Senate Floor where it can be heard at...

NRA Victory in Washington Court of Appeals

The National Rifle Association's Institute for Legislative Action applauds a decision by the Washington Court of Appeals today that upheld the state's preemption...

Victory in Washington Preemption Case

Today, the Washington Court of Appeals struck two firearms-storage ordinances under the state’s preemption law in an NRA-ILA case. Source link

Washington: House Committee Passes Substitute Measure for Felony Open Carry Legislation

Last week, the House Civil Rights and Judiciary Committee considered House Bill 1283.  Previously, this measure could have caused the lawful open carry...
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