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Tag: Undermine

NRA-ILA | Anti-gun Democrats Seek to Undermine Law Passed to Protect...

Last week we reported on a major breakthrough on behalf of veterans who risked losing...

NRA-ILA | US Senator Tries to Undermine Branch of Government Intended...

As anyone who has an elementary school level education understands, our Founders established our federal...

NRA-ILA | DOD-funded Report Seeks to Undermine U.S. Service Members’ Second...

Stymied by the American people and their elected representatives in attempts to enact the type...

NRA-ILA | New Low(y): Gun Controllers Register as Foreign Agents to...

Beginning last year, NRA-ILA has been keeping readers up to date with an ongoing effort...

NRA-ILA | New Hunter Biden Revelations Further Undermine President’s Gun Control...

On June 2, President Joe Biden gave a speech in which he demanded that Congress...

Gun Controllers Collaborate with Unscrupulous Foreign Regime to Undermine U.S. Constitution

Anyone tempted to think the gun control lobby couldn’t sink any further into disreputable tactics should sit down before reading any further. Source link...
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