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Tag: gun violence

Rambo Lindsey Graham Threatens AR-15 Shooting

Lindsey Graham attempts to act like Rambo in his Fox News interview. John Iadarola and Francesca Fiorentini break it down on The Damage Report....

Churches arm, train congregants in wake of mass shootings

Acrid gun smoke clouded the sunny entrance of a Texas church on a recent Sunday.Seven men wearing heavy vests and carrying pistols loaded...

Joe Biden Steps Up Gun Targeting Ahead of Debate

| Posted: Jul 30, 2019 12:01 AM The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not represent the views of Townhall.com. Joe Biden’s been...

Inside the Life of 16-Year-Old Shooter Katie Francis | Women and...

For high schooler Katie Francis, guns are the great equalizer. To see the rest of Marie Claire's 'Women and Gun's project, click here: ...

The real reason Connecticut’s decision about Remington and Sandy Hook doesn’t...

Gun control activists joyously celebrated a court decision Thursday, claiming that the...

New Mexico moves to expand background checks on gun sales

Legislators sent a bill to expand background checks on private gun sales in New Mexico to the governor's desk Monday for certain approval...

Democrats renew push for gun control, assault weapons ban

Just hours after the killings by a lone gunman in a California...

Gun shops brace for voter-approved gun safety law

by Tammy Mutasa / KOMO NewsGun shops brace for voter-approved gun safety lawKING COUNTY - Gun stores and gun owners are already starting...

Gun Owners Break AR-15s After Being Horrified by Florida Shooting

A gun owner was so horrified by the tragedy in Parkland, Florida, he decided to saw his legally registered AR-15 in half. The AR-15...
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