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Tag: Eligible

NRA-ILA | Wisconsin: Gun Owner Credit Card Data Privacy Bill Eligible...

Companion legislation SB 466/AB 468 recently passed out of their respective policy committees and are...

NRA-ILA | California: Anti-Gun Bills Eligible for Floor Votes as the...

Friday was the deadline for the Appropriations Committees of both chambers to finish passing bills...

NRA-ILA | California: Six Anti-Gun Bills Pass Chamber of Origin, Others...

Last week, the Assembly and Senate both held floor votes and passed three anti-gun bills...

NRA-ILA | California: Numerous Anti-Gun Bills Eligible for Floor Votes

Yesterday, the Appropriations Committees of both chambers approved a number of anti-gun bills on their...

NRA-ILA | Hawaii: Two Anti-Gun Bills Eligible for Floor Votes

Two anti-gun bills are currently eligible for floor votes and could be brought up at...

NRA-ILA | Missouri: Public Transit Self-Defense Bill Eligible for House Floor

On Thursday, the House Emerging Issues Committee voted 10-4 to approve House Bill 282, to ensure...

NRA-ILA | California: Anti-Gun Bills Eligible for Floor Votes

On Thursday, both the Assembly and Senate Appropriations Committees took up their suspense files prior...

NRA-ILA | Missouri: Self-Defense Bill Eligible for Senate Floor

Yesterday, the Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs and Fiscal Oversight voted to advance House Bill...

NRA-ILA | California: Fee Hike Bill Eligible for Floor Vote

Last week, Senate Bill 918, to authorize DoJ to charge higher fees for basic eligibility...

NRA-ILA | Missouri: Public Transit Self-Defense Eligible for House Floor

House Bill 1462, to ensure law-abiding citizens may carry firearms for self-defense on public transit, is...
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