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Kentucky: Committee Advances Bill to Prevent Discrimination Against Firearm Businesses

The House Judiciary Committee issued a favorable report to House Bill 175, to prevent discrimination against firearm businesses. This bill is also considered...

California Update: Bill Filing Deadline Passes

February 19th was the bill filing deadline for the California State Legislature. A few more bills to place restrictions on your already diminished rights,...

North Carolina: Committee Advances Worshipper Protection Bill

Today, the Senate Committee on Judiciary issued a favorable report for Senate Bill 43, to expand the ability of citizens to defend themselves and...

Vermont: "Public Hearing" on Gun Bill Tomorrow

The Statehouse in Montpelier remains shuddered under the continued protocols of COVID, however the business of the Legislature forges ahead on the Internet tomorrow...

Hawaii: Self Defense Bill Up in Committee Tomorrow

Tomorrow, February 22nd, the House Committee on Judiciary & Hawaiian Affairs is hearing House Bill 534 House Draft 1, to improve the ability of...

New Mexico: Update on Anti-Gun Bills SB 224, HB 166 &...

It was a busy end of the week, and will be a packed week ahead on mostly-bad firearm-related bills, with one bright spot for pro-Second Amendment...

Indiana: Right-To-Carry Bill Continues to Advance

Today, the House held a second reading for House Bill 1369, to improve the ability of law-abiding citizens to defend themselves and their...

South Carolina: Committee Hearing Open Carry Bill Next Week

On February 23rd, the House Judiciary Committee will hear House Bill 3094, to legalize the open carry of handguns. Previously, on February 10th,...

Indiana: Right-To-Carry Bill Moves to House Floor

Today, the House Ways and Means Committee approved House Bill 1369, to improve the ability of law-abiding citizens to defend themselves and their...

Indiana: Right-To-Carry Bill Advances

The House Public Policy Committee has approved House Bill 1369, to improve the ability of law-abiding citizens to defend themselves and their loved...
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